Magical Picnic Blankets

Monday, June 22, 2015

I've recently found some beautiful tapestries online and they have fast become my favourite things I own. Picnics feel so much more magical when I have these laid out to lounge on in the sun. My boyfriend and I have sat for hours by the water with these and I absolutely love them!!

I've got one from An Enchanted Life, a lovely company who sell all types of spiritual things, I just want to own them all!! Go ahead and check out their rings, anklets, tea strainers...! I own one of their phone case as well.

I've also got one from Jaipur Art Factory, these are a little cheaper, but just as beautiful. They have all different colours of mandalas, and delivery is real fast!

Here are a few I have:

Here are a few of the beautiful things on these two websites, I want that elephant case so bad!!! 


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