Take control of our future!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

This may seem a weird topic for me to talk about, but at the same time it is one I should be well versed in. I have grown up in a family who are involved in politics, so I've always known what is going on. But too often I have come across people who don't vote, or don't have an opinion on the work of our government, purely because they do not have enough knowledge to make that judgement.

Being lucky enough to go to the Houses of Parliament often, I once brought a friend in who, before we went in, asked me something quickly because she wanted to save herself from embarrassment should the topic come up in conversation. She asked me who the president was. I was shocked obviously that she didn't know the name of the leader of our country but also that she thought we had a president not a prime minister. I quickly told her who he was and jokingly corrected her on her mistake, and she was eager to find out as much information as she could as we talked with people who worked there, but it got me thinking. Surely politics should be taught as a mandatory subject in school? I know we are taught many important subjects (and some which I see no point in at all!) but why isn't the way our country is run not a priority? 

Surely we are forever the future, and if they would like to see us fix where past politicians have failed then it is important that people know the reasons for voting and why it is so important for everyone to vote. It is our voice, it is the way we will be heard. Every vote counts, and everyone has the power to make a difference, so why do we not make the most of it?! The majority of people my age are not on the electoral role, and don't even care. In my eyes, that's severely wrong, and needs to be made right. 

The next general election is May this year, and I urge anyone who reads this, who is 18 or over to sign up to vote. It is not hard, it takes about two minutes and all you need is your national insurance number. That's all you need for your chance to be heard. Go find out about the way our country is run, go form an opinion, and let your voice be heard.

Join the electoral register here.

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