My Summer Products

Monday, June 15, 2015

Ok so its starting to be warmer again, and I don't know if it's just me but I tend to switch up most of my products when it gets to Summer. My go to products are usually a lot lighter in summer, in texture and in feel.

I use the Summer Glow because who doesn't love being tanned in summer?! It's not quite on the same level as fake tan,  I only use it to top up my tan and to get rid of awkward tanlines. It works a treat! I sunbathed last year and still had the awkward tan line... I was only in the sun for an hour or so but this tanline stuck. With this I finally got rid of it! Thank god. 

The John Frieda Dream Curls Styling Spray is a life saver. I don't tend to straighten my hair as much in summer and my hair tends to be quite curly but the curls tend to drop out after a while, this makes them stay.

The Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof is just what I need when I go to the beach. Waterproof mascara, although hard to get off, is great for when you want to go swimming but still look good.

I don't use foundation in summer, its a little too heavy for my liking. The Nivea Tinted Moisturiser Day Cream is what my mum uses. It's one of the first foundation type things I used when I first started wearing make up, I must have been about 12, and I still use it today! It that doesn't say its good I don't know what will.

My nails in the winter tend to have quite dark colours... I go for navy, black and dark reds. But in summer I love using brighter colours, I don't wear much colour clothes wise but any opportunity for bright nails I will use. 

Bring on Summer!! 


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