Benefits of Drinking Water

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

For some time now I've been trying my best to drink lots more water. Up until a few months back I was barely drinking water, I'd drink mainly fizzy drinks and orange juice... (I don't really drink alcohol) I'm not even sure I can say I had one glass of water a day!

I chose the try and drink more because I wasn't feeling that great in myself, I noticed my skin was terrible, I felt really groggy all the time and I got the worst headaches. All that seems to have stopped since and I've been feeling a lot healthier!

So here's the benefits of drinking more H2O:
  1. Our skin gets so much clearer
  2. Our hair gets shiner
  3. Water helps with weight loss 
  4. Prevents wrinkles
  5. Water stops headaches and dizziness
  6. Gives us more energy
  7. Makes us exercise better
  8. Improves concentration

Now only 1% of the population drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day! I know I never drank anywhere near enough, so I'm encouraging you all to try it, even if its just for a week or whatever. Go find out all the good things water can do for you! I now carry water with me wherever I go, you won't see me without it! 


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